A Report of the Kingdom of Congo and of the Surrounding Countries. Drawn Out of the Writings and Discourses of the Portuguese, Duarte Lopes, by Filippo Pigafetta, in Rome, 1591

Fiche provisoire

Titre A Report of the Kingdom of Congo and of the Surrounding Countries. Drawn Out of the Writings and Discourses of the Portuguese, Duarte Lopes, by Filippo Pigafetta, in Rome, 1591
Type de publication Livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 1969
Auteur Duarte LOPEZ
Editeur scientifique Filippo PIGAFETTA
Éditeur Negro Universities Press
Ville New York
Genre voyage - reportage
Pays d'édition États-Unis
Référence complète Lopez, Duarte. A Report of the Kingdom of Congo and of the Surrounding Countries. Drawn Out of the Writings and Discourses of the Portuguese, Duarte Lopes, by Filippo Pigafetta, in Rome, 1591. New York : Negro Universities Press, 1969.


Duarte LOPEZ

Alias : Duarte Odoardo Lopez