Literature in the Great Lakes Region : Between Resistance and Resilience

Fiche provisoire

Titre Literature in the Great Lakes Region : Between Resistance and Resilience
Type de publication Chapitre de livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 2022
Auteur Maëline LE LAY
Editeur scientifique Grace A. MUSILA
Titre du livre The Routledge Handbook of African Popular Culture
Pages de ... à (pp. x-x) 204-221
Éditeur Routledge
Genre article scientifique
Pays d'édition Royaume-Uni
DOI 10.4324/9781003080855-11
Résumé/Présentation " Following a historical background of the wars in the Great Lakes Region, this essay revolves around two types of discourse dominating literary production (theatre, spoken word, narrative prose) in the Great Lakes mobilizing alternately, and sometimes concomitantly, the lexicons of resistance and resilience. These two lexicons are informed by the socio-political context of this (post-)conflict region. The territory is known for its rebellion movements but also for activist movements, as well as an efflorescence of NGOs, ‘structures’ influencing both the style of the texts and the framework in which they are produced. The first part of the essay attempts to shed light on the plurality of ways to utilize literature as a resistance tool, by focusing on the spoken word activism in Goma (Eastern DRC) and on fiction prose by Burundian writers. Based on various theatre productions from Goma, Burundi, and Kigali (Rwanda), the second part seeks to analyse how theatre is designed at a means of resilience responding to mass-violences and their consequences. Eventually, standing on the Covid 19-pandemic's context and the related verbal productions, the essay critically reflects on the concept of resilience, questioning the relevance and the ethics of its frequent use in the region. "
Référence complète Le Lay, Maëline. Literature in the Great Lakes Region : Between Resistance and Resilience. In : The Routledge Handbook of African Popular Culture. (à par. mai 2022), p.204-221.


Maëline LE LAY

Biographie : Maëline Le Lay est docteur en littérature comparée de l'Université de Paris 13-Nord et chargée de recherche au CNRS au laboratoire "Les Afriques dans le monde" de l'Université de Bordeaux. Aussi : membre du Comité de rédaction de la revue Etudes littéraires africaines.
Nationalité : France