Writings of the Subsoil in the Contemporary Congolese Novel

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Titre Writings of the Subsoil in the Contemporary Congolese Novel
Type de publication Article de périodique
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Date de publication 2021
Auteur Xavier GARNIER
Editeur scientifique Julien JEUSETTE
Silvia RIVA
Titre du périodique Journal of World Literature
Volume ou tome 6
N° de la livraison 2
Pages de ... à (pp. x-x) 133-147
Éditeur BRILL
Genre article scientifique
Pays d'édition Pays-Bas
URL https://brill.com/view/journals/jwl/6/2/article-p133_2.xml
Résumé/Présentation "The expression “geological scandal,” used at the end of the nineteenth century by the Belgian geologist Jules Cornet to describe the mineral wealth of the eastern Congo, has become even more relevant today if we think of the misfortunes that affect the region. Global predation in this part of central Africa is naturally at the heart of the literary preoccupations of many Congolese writers, who invent narrative forms that are able to account for what is being played out beneath the earth’s surface, in the bowels of the earth. In this paper, I wish to highlight the literature of the mine that begins in the colonial era of the Congolese novel and develops considerably in contemporary times. Through the reading of a few major Congolese novels, this article analyzes how the Congo’s subsoil is the vector of globalization."
Référence complète Garnier, Xavier. Writings of the Subsoil in the Contemporary Congolese Novel. In : Journal of World Literature, (BRILLL), vol. 6, n°2 (Contemporary Congolese Literature as World Literature), 2021, p.133-147.



Biographie : Xavier Garnier est professeur à l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 où il enseigne les littératures francophones.
Nationalité : France