Hutu Rebels : Exile Warriors in the Eastern Congo

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République démocratique du Congo



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Titre Hutu Rebels : Exile Warriors in the Eastern Congo
Type de publication Livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 2019
Auteur Anna HEDLUND
Nom de la collection The Ethnography of Political Violence
Nombre de pages xii-233
Éditeur University of Pennsylvania Press
Ville Philadelphia = Philadelphie
Genre essai - étude
ISBN (Forme EAN-13) 9780812251449
Résumé/Présentation "Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in a rebel camp located deep in the Congo forest, Anna Hedlund explores the micropolitics and practices of everyday life in a community of Hutu rebel fighters and their families and attempts to understand why they continue to fight in what appears to be an endless conflict."
Référence complète Hedlund, Anna. Hutu Rebels : Exile Warriors in the Eastern Congo. University of Pennsylvania Press, Series : "The Ethnography of Political Violence", 2019, xii-233 p. - ISBN: 9780812251449
