Call Me Chameleon : The selective memory of a kaleidoscopic-eyed globetrotter, from age 3 to this day

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Titre Call Me Chameleon : The selective memory of a kaleidoscopic-eyed globetrotter, from age 3 to this day
Type de publication Livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 2016
Auteur Albert RUSSO
Adam Donaldson Powell
Nombre de pages 1113
Éditeur L'Aleph, Wisehouse Publishing,
Genre autobiographie - mémoires -
Pays d'édition Suède
ISBN (Forme EAN-13) 9789176370322
Résumé/Présentation "?To write an autobiography is a feat that is difficult, painful, and often feels foreign due to the fact that most of the stories have already been told in various forms through fiction, essays and poetry. In addition, I knew that this was Albert?s chance to let it all hang out, so-to-speak. The nice chameleon has its nasty sides ? as we all do ? and some of the anger would be sure to leak out in such a book. (A coming to terms, one might say.) And finally, this project has scared me shitless because here he ? the chameleon ? finally reveals himself (often times through his all-too-frank alter ego Zapinette), and recounts the well-known stories from his travels to and residences in Africa, Israel, Europe and America within a human context. Within a human context ? And why is that scary? Well, fiction is often more believable than truth (read: more acceptable / comfortable than truth / real life). I saw for myself the ?bad boy? chameleon, that I learned to know and love personally and in his literature, threatening to rear his beautiful head. Who was I scared for ? the chameleon, or the readers' Honestly? Both ? we are all the chameleon. Albert Russo outs us all in this book.? (From Adam Donaldson Powell's Preface). Sélectionné comme Book Excellence Award Finalist (07.2019)
Référence complète Russo, Albert. Call Me Chameleon : The selective memory of a kaleidoscopic-eyed globetrotter, from age 3 to this day. Preface by Adam Donaldson Powell. L'Aleph ; Wisehouse Publishing, 2016, 1113 pages, with numerous POEMS and photos (Kindle edition) - ISBN 9789176370322


Albert RUSSO

Biographie : Né en 1943 au Congo Belge, de parents belges d'origine anglo-italienne, Albert Russo écrit en français et en anglais. Termine ses Humanités à Bujumbura. Il a passé toute sa jeunesse sur le continent africain entre le Congo belge, le Rwanda, le Burundi, le Zimbabwé et l'Afrique du Sud, puis a fait ses études aux États-Unis (licence sciences économiques de l'Université de New York) et à en Allemagne (Heidelberg). Il a travaillé à New-York, puis à Paris où il enseigne l'anglais et l'italien. Il a siégé au jury du prestigieux Neustadt International Prize for literature. Ses romans et sa poésie, traduits dans une douzaine de langues, lui ont valu de nombreux prix littéraires. (Voix du Congo, 2011). Auteur d'albums de photos.
Alias : Alex Rovin
Nationalité : Belgique