Imagining Africa : landscape in H. Rider Haggard's African romances

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Titre Imagining Africa : landscape in H. Rider Haggard's African romances
Type de publication Livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 2001
Auteur Lindy Stiebel
Nom de la collection Contributions to the study of world literature
Numéro dans la collection 105
Nombre de pages xv-155
Éditeur Greenwood Press
Ville Westport
Londres = London
Genre essai - étude
Pays d'édition Royaume-Uni
ISBN (Forme EAN-13) 9780313318030
Résumé/Présentation "A study of land and landscape in the African romances of H. Rider Haggard. It argues that Haggard created a formulaic, ideological geography which provided a canvas onto which he projected his desires and fears, both personal and political, as well as those of his age."
Référence complète Stiebel, Lindy. Imagining Africa : landscape in H. Rider Haggard's African romances. Westport, London : Greenwood Press, Contributions to the study of world literature, n°105, 2001, xv, 155 s. : ill - ISBN : 9780313318030.
