From pre-capitalism to imperialism : A history of social & economic formations in Eastern Zaïre

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Titre From pre-capitalism to imperialism : A history of social & economic formations in Eastern Zaïre
Type de publication Thèse et mémoire
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de soutenance 1974
Auteur Jacques DEPELCHIN
Nombre de pages 256
Université University Microfilms Internat.
Ville Ann Arbor (MI)
Genre essai - étude
Pays de soutenance États-Unis
Référence complète Depelchin, Jacques. From pre-capitalism to imperialism : A history of social & economic formations in Eastern Zaïre. Ann Arbor : Michigan : University Microfilms Internat., 1974, 256 p. [Note sur les thèses Ph.D. Stanford Univ., 1974]



Biographie : "Prof Jacques Depelchin is a committed intellectual, historian, poet, and activist for peace, democracy, transparency and people-centred politics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was born in the Congo and educated at Lovanium University (Kinshasa) in the DRC, the University of London, Johns Hopkins University in Italy, and at Stanford, where he received his PhD in History. He has taught African History and related subjects at universities in the DRC, Mozambique, Tanzania and Brazil, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, San Francisco State, Stanford and Syracuse. Prof Depelchin has published a number of books throughout his long career, some of which include The Peasant’s Tale, Reclaiming African History and Silences in African History; between the syndromes of discovery and abolition. He is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Berkeley-based Ota Benga International Alliance for Peace in the DRC."(communiqué Unuv. Stellenbosch 02.2022)
Nationalité : Belgique