Principles and methods of colonial administration : Colston papers based on a symposium promoted by the Colston Research Society and the University of Bristol in April 1950

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Titre Principles and methods of colonial administration : Colston papers based on a symposium promoted by the Colston Research Society and the University of Bristol in April 1950
Type de publication Livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 1950
Nom de la collection Colston papers
Numéro dans la collection 3
Nombre de pages 252
Éditeur Colston Research Society
University of Bristol
Ville London = Londres
Genre essai - étude
Pays d'édition Royaume-Uni
Référence complète Colston Research Society ; University of Bristol.- Principles and methods of colonial administration : Colston papers based on a symposium promoted by the Colston Research Society and the University of Bristol in April 1950. London : Butterworths, 1950, 252 p. [Principes et méthodes d'administration coloniale]