Politics in Modern Africa : the Uneven Tribal Dimension

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Titre Politics in Modern Africa : the Uneven Tribal Dimension
Type de publication Livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 1990
Auteur Kenneth INGHAM
Éditeur Routledge
Ville London = Londres
Genre essai - étude
Pays d'édition Royaume-Uni
ISBN (Forme EAN-13) 9780415022781
Résumé/Présentation "Examines the impact of tribal loyalties on political problems in a range of African states, arguing that only where a powerful leader managed to attract loyalty were the differences overcome."
Contents : 1. The Imperial Legacy 2. Uganda : The kingdom and the power 3. Ghana : A confederation of regions? 4. Nigeria : Federation by concensus 5. Kenya : The President's country 6. Senegal : Unity in division 7. Guinea : United against the world 8. Zaire : The authentic Africa ? 9. Angola : No man's land 10. Zimbabwe: Conclusion 11. Conclusion 12. Notes 13. Bibliography 14. Index.
Référence complète Ingham (Kenneth), Politics in Modern Africa : the Uneven Tribal Dimension. London : Routledge, 1990, 248 p.
