'Illuminating the Hole' : Kinshasa's Make-overs Between Dream and Reality

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Titre 'Illuminating the Hole' : Kinshasa's Make-overs Between Dream and Reality
Type de publication Article de périodique
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Date de publication 2018
Auteur Filip DE BOECK
Titre du périodique Humanities Futures
Éditeur Duke University
Ville Durham (NC)
Genre article scientifique
Pays d'édition États-Unis
URL https://www.academia.edu/37179800/De_Boeck_F._2018_._Illuminating_the_Hole_Kinshasas_Make-overs_Between_Dream_and_Reality?email_work_card=title
Résumé/Présentation "I examine the history of modern urban planning ideas and makeover models in the capital city of Kinshasa, Congo, with specific reference to the career of Pume Bylex. These proposed and attempted makeovers are looked at in the historical, cultural, and social context of Kinshasa itself, specifically regarding its colonial past, its prevailing mysticism, and its residents' collective yearning for a dream city and a utopia that removes them from the reality of the actual city and nation they inhabit."
Référence complète De Boeck, Filip (2018). "'Illuminating the Hole' : Kinshasa's Make-overs Between Dream and Reality", in : Humanities Futures. On-line publication (Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University), 2018.



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