Fang culture in Gabonese francophone women's writing : Reading 'Histoire d'Awu' by Justine Mintsa

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Titre Fang culture in Gabonese francophone women's writing : Reading 'Histoire d'Awu' by Justine Mintsa
Type de publication Article de périodique
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Date de publication 2010
Auteur Cheryl A. TOMAN
Titre du périodique Research in African literatures
Volume ou tome 41
N° de la livraison 2
Pages de ... à (pp. x-x) 246
Éditeur Indiana University Press
Ville Bloomington (IN)
Genre article scientifique
Pays d'édition États-Unis
Résumé/Présentation "Gabonese author Justine Mintsa may write in French, but her approach to decolonizing the literary text includes the skillful and artistic infusion of elements of her native Fang culture and language. In her three works to date, Un seul tournant Makôsu (1994), Premières lectures (1997), and Histoire d'Awu (2000), Mintsa's prose mixes with poetry clearly inspired by the m'vet, the renowned epic of the Fang. In 'Histoire d'Awu', Mintsa challenges certain oppressive traditions, such as the treatment of Fang widows by their sister-in-laws. Yet, Mintsa rewrites in the same text a contemporary version of a Fang creation myth that serves to pay homage to the rich history of her culture. In all of her texts, Mintsa succeeds in praising what is positive about Fang tradition while questioning other customs. While Western feminist theory often equates "tradition" with "oppression," Mintsa defies this notion in her Afrocentric approach to writing in French." (Source site Project Muse, 10.2017)
Référence complète Toman, Cheryl. Fang culture in Gabonese francophone women's writing : Reading 'Histoire d'Awu' by Justine Mintsa. In : Research in African Literatures. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, vol. 41, n°2, 2010, p. 121-132.


Cheryl A. TOMAN

Biographie : Cheryl Toman est Professeur Associé de Français au Département de Littérature et des Langues modernes à la Case Western Reserve University de Cleveland, dans l'Etat de l'Ohio, aux Etats-Unis. Elle est également directrice des programmes Women’s and Gender Studies Program et Ethnic Studies Program dans cette université.
Alias : Cheryl Toman
Nationalité : États-Unis