African Writers Look at the United States : V.Y. Mudimbe and John Pepper Clark

Titre African Writers Look at the United States : V.Y. Mudimbe and John Pepper Clark
Type de publication Document inédit
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de création 1979
Auteur Janice SPLETH
Genre article scientifique
Pays de production États-Unis
Référence complète Spleth, Janice. African Writers Look at the United States : V.Y. Mudimbe and John Pepper Clark. In : Virginia Commonwealth Comparative Literature Symposium, April, 1979. (inédit)



Biographie : Ph.D in French ( Rice University, 1973). Professor of French and African Literature, Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics - West Virginia University. Lectureship in the English Department of the National University of Zaïre, Lubumbashi, l977-1978.
Nationalité : États-Unis