Humanitarian Theatre in the Great Lakes Region : In Pursuit of Performativity

Titre Humanitarian Theatre in the Great Lakes Region : In Pursuit of Performativity
Type de publication Chapitre de livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 2020
Auteur Maëline LE LAY
Titre du livre The Art of Emergency : Aesthetics and Aid in African Crises
Pages de ... à (pp. x-x) 229-248
Éditeur Oxford University Press
Ville New York
Genre article scientifique
Pays d'édition États-Unis
Résumé/Présentation "In nominally ?post-war? contexts throughout Africa?s Great Lakes Region, participatory theatre has been mobilized almost exclusively as a tool for either awareness or healing. The rhetoric prescribed for peace and development is so dominant in the humanitarian market that the artist?s ethos is channeled in directions more ethical than aesthetic. The shared circulation of participatory theater through DR Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi shows how an aesthetic model is exported and becomes a transnationalized tool, one designed to be tailored to any kind of crisis context. Thanks to NGOs' powerful influence, this model shapes theatre and performance landscapes by influencing generations of writers and actors, uniting creators through artistic networks. This theatre is characterized by a strong aspiration to performativity which occurs in the texts and performances by the centrality of the Chorus, frequent mises en abyme and the quest for catharsis. "
Référence complète Le Lay, Maëline. "Humanitarian Theatre in the Great Lakes Region : In Pursuit of Performativity", in : Ndaliko Chérie-Rivers & Anderson Samuel Mark, eds, The Art of Emergency : Aesthetics and Aid in African Crises. New-York : Oxford University Press, 2020, p. 229-248.


Maëline LE LAY

Biographie : Maëline Le Lay est docteur en littérature comparée de l'Université de Paris 13-Nord et chargée de recherche au CNRS au laboratoire "Les Afriques dans le monde" de l'Université de Bordeaux. Aussi : membre du Comité de rédaction de la revue Etudes littéraires africaines.
Nationalité : France