Culinary Encounters : Food, Identity, and Colonialism

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Titre Culinary Encounters : Food, Identity, and Colonialism
Type de publication Chapitre de livre
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de publication 2007
Auteur Michael Dietler
Katheryn Twiss
Titre du livre The Archaeology of Food and Identity
Pages de ... à (pp. x-x) 218-242
Éditeur Press University of Southern Illinois
Ville Carbondale
Genre article scientifique
Pays d'édition États-Unis
Résumé/Présentation Abstract: Contemporary foodways and identities are in large measure theproduct of a long history of colonial encounters. Reciprocally, food has beena consistently prominent material medium for the enactment of colonialism.The intimate links between food practices and the embodiment of identityand between commensality and politics have made food a central arena forthe working out of colonial struggles of various kinds. Hence, a focus on foodholds great analytical promise for archaeologists attempting to understandancient colonial situations and their transformative effects on identity. To thisend, this chapter attempts to provide a broader theoretical context by pur-suing a set of fundamental questions: why and how do people sometimeschange their food habits in situations of colonial contact?in particular, whyand how do they adopt alien foods and food practices' And when they do,what consequences does this entail and what implications does it have forunderstanding colonialism?
Référence complète Dietler, Michael. "Culinary Encounters : Food, Identity, and Colonialism", in : The Archaeology of Food and Identity. Edited by Katheryn Twiss. Carbondale : Center for Archaeological Investigations / Press University of Southern Illinois, 2007, pp.218-242.
