Rue des Soeurs noires

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Belgique, Anvers = Antwerpen, Sénégal


ville, immigration

Fiche provisoire

Titre Rue des Soeurs noires
Type de publication Film et vidéo
Langue principale de la publication français
Année de production 2013
Réalisateur Aicha Thiam
Résumé/Présentation "In 2004, Aïcha Thiam visits Antwerp. She was born in Antwerp and lived there until she was three, but she only knows the city through the fascinating stories of her mother. She falls in love with this cosmopolitan city, she wants to move to Antwerp. But when on May 11, 2006 Hans van Themsche kills baby Luna and her Malian babysitter Oulimatou on the streets of Antwerp, her idyllic vision of this city is severely disrupted. In 2013, she returns to Antwerp and talks with migrants. About their dreams and doubts, in the past and now, for themselves and their children. / About migration, in the past and now. About a multicultural society, in the past and now." (Africalia, 01.2017)
Référence complète Rue des Soeurs noires. Film documentaire. Réal. Aïcha Thiam. 2013 (?). Français / néerlandais.


Aicha Thiam

Biographie : Cinéaste sénégalaise née à Anvers en 1979.
Nationalité : Sénégal