The Nature of Scandal in Alain Mabanckou's Work

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Titre The Nature of Scandal in Alain Mabanckou's Work
Type de publication Document en ligne
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Année de production 2018
Auteur Christopher Hogarth
Genre article scientifique
Résumé/Présentation " This article investigates the manner in which the most-discussed contemporary Francophone African intellectual, Alain Mabanckou, is considered a figure of scandal, first by comparing him to previous scandalous figures in the Francophone arena (Ououloguem, Beyala) then by discussing his interventions regarding the political commitment of the writer. This is followed by a discussion of Mabanckou?s use of new media, prize systems, and his role as writer-critic-academic, which have contributed to the creation of a unique platform from which to generate scandal." (Academia, 05.2018)
Référence complète Hogarth, Christopher. "The Nature of Scandal in Alain Mabanckou's Work", 2018.


Christopher Hogarth

Biographie : University of South Australia, School of Communication, International Studies and Languages.
Nationalité : Australie