When Doctors Travel Overseas. Colonial Medicine and the Low Countries

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Titre When Doctors Travel Overseas. Colonial Medicine and the Low Countries
Type de publication Évènement
Langue principale de la publication anglais
Date 2019
Institution organisatrice Musée Royal de l'Afrique centrale (MRAC) / Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (KMMA)
Ville Tervuren
Genre colloque
Pays Belgique
Résumé/Présentation "Medicine was an inseparable part of colonialism. Research on tropical diseases was carried out in laboratories. (Ship) doctors supported colonial expeditions. Missionaries tried to push a western ideal of reproduction onto the natives. Colonial companies watched over the health of the workforce in order not to hamper economic production. All of this also added to providing the colonial presence with a humanitarian imprint. This colloquium will focus on the multiple connections between medicine and colonialism, in relation to the Low Countries. / Please find the program in the attached document." (Maarten Langhendries - communiqué, 14.03.2019)
Référence complète Colloque "When Doctors Travel Overseas. Colonial Medicine and the Low Countries". Gewina Spring Meeting. Tervuren, Musée Royal de l'Afrique centrale, 5 avril 2019.